Sunday, September 29, 2013

Back to work

After having a wonderful trip home, I'm back in Quito and back at work. Things really built up while I was away, so I had a lot to do this week. I had to set up for and run an activity called "Interclass" which I had never done before and was really nervous about getting right. I spent all of Wednesday afternoon setting up the big room we use for the activity. Luckily, I had some help from some nice teachers who helped me figure out where everything was supposed to go. On Thursday we had the activity, in which multiple classes come together and basically do an elaborate role play to get the students talking. It all went pretty well and I sat down afterward and wrote the instructions for how to set it all up so that I have them for next cycle.

Andres took some vacation time this week, so it's been really nice to see him in the mornings before I go to work. Also, he's been doing all the cooking which has been awesome because I've been so tired from traveling and from work.

Speaking of cooking, I think I want to get back to trying new things, particularly vegetarian meals. This is a little tricky because Andres doesn't like some of the more hearty vegetables that are a good substitute for meat, but I don't want to cook meat or chicken right now because of all the added hassle in thawing and washing up. So we'll have to be a little creative. I think I'll start with trying to make a potato curry and see where things go from there.

Over and out