Friday, January 11, 2013

Back to Quito!

I made it back to Quito, safe and sound. Stupid American Airlines made us sit on the tarmac for 2 hours before we left cause the water system was leaking or something. So that was frustrating, but it just made me extra relieved to finally get here. Mom took me to SFO at 4 in the morning which was very nice of her. Then I listened to my new David Sedaris audio book until we boarded. I managed to sleep some on the first flight which was nice and unexpected :). Then I hung out in Miami and got myself my last Starbucks coffee for a while and perused magazines without buying anything. Then I hung out on the plane for 2 hours before takeoff but I nearly finished the paperback I brought with me (Kitty Goes to Washington, a fun, supernatural mystery of sorts that takes place in Washington D.C.), and I was so happy I brought it! This flight did teach me that I have to brush up on my Sudoku skills though. I used to be able to solve any of them given a good amount of time but I nearly couldn't get through a medium level!

Now I'm hanging out at home and unpacking. I already put up one of my calendars :). I'm having a few issues with finding places for all my stuff! Opps. But I have a mountain of toiletries and a growing stack of books so I'm going to have to find some creative solutions.

Also I think I'm going to try to do some of my teaching prep so I can hang out with Andres when he gets back from work. He has to work tomorrow because it turns out vacation days aren't really vacation days at his job. Everyone got three days off over the holidays and now they have to go in 3 Saturdays to make up for them! Imagine. But his thesis is slowly making its way through the academic bureaucracy so hopefully he'll be able to defend it soon and perhaps get a job he enjoys a little more.

I will try to be better about posting on my blog these next months! I sort of fell off the posting wagon last time.


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